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Second Brain Definitions

Second Brain Definitions (Updated 2024)


As Tiago Forte describes, Areas are your various roles and responsibilities in life, such as Health, Relationships, and Finance.


Use Topics to tag your Notes and References to specific subjects of interest or sub-areas. This allows for a more detailed organization than Areas.


Plan and track your projects and the series of tasks necessary for the completion of a project, keeping informed of the deadlines and progress.


Tasks are single, actionable items that help you advance a project or goal or the objective of the task itself.


Notes are categorized into Fleeting, Literature, Project, and Permanent types, inspired by the Zettelkasten method. Fleeting and Literature Notes can be turned into Permanent Notes; otherwise, they will eventually be archived along with your Project Notes after use.


This is an additional method for grouping your Notes, apart from Topics. The key difference is that Notebooks are used exclusively for Notes and not for References, allowing for a narrower organization.


These are sources of information, such as books, videos, podcasts, or movies, that you have interacted with. You can create new Notes from these References and or link References to relevant projects and goals.


These are verbatim quotes from your References or an individual, serving as memorable points you can recall when browsing through your References or Topics.

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