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General Information about GTD

What are the key terminologies used in the Getting Things Done (GTD) Template?

Here are the terminologies used in our Getting Things Done (GTD) Template.


Areas refer to the different roles and responsibilities in your life. By default, this template includes two main Areas: personal and work. However, you can add more Areas or use more specific ones like Health, Fitness, and Relationships.


Next, let's talk about Projects. For instance, a Project under "Personal" could be "Building a home gym". After creating a Project page, you can add tasks to the task database within the Project page, like "Buy gym equipment" or "Get a yoga mat".


Next Action is a status you can assign to a task, while In Progress is a status for a project.

Next Action:

In the GTD method introduced by David Allen, Next Action represents a task that you are ready to work on. Besides assigning a due date, you can set a task to Next Action and assign a context to the task. Filtering for a context like "Laptop" can allow you to view all tasks set to Next Action that require a laptop to complete.

In Progress:

If you have started working on a Project, it means the Project is in progress.


These terminologies and statuses help clarify the structure of your databases and ensure efficient task management within the GTD framework.

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