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Adding a Someday/Waiting View

How to add a Some Day/Waiting view to your Second Brain

Key Steps

  1. Right-click on any task view and copy the link to the Task database.
  1. Navigate to the projects and tasks page, where the new view will be added.
  1. Click on the plus icon to create a new page, name it "Some Day/Waiting," and assign a relevant icon.
  1. Adjust the page to full width for better visibility.
  1. Paste the copied link from Step 1 onto the page bar to create a link view of the database.
  1. Update the filter rules to display tasks with the statuses "Some Day" and "Waiting" while unchecking "Next Action."
  1. Customize the view by unhiding properties that are relevant to your task management needs.
  1. Consider changing the status property to a select property for clearer task status representation.

Link to Loom

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